Chapter 13: Captain Campana

MindFrame Podcast
MindFrame Podcast
Chapter 13: Captain Campana

She wore the breezy, loose pants and shirt that were the official uniform of a Framer. Above her head floated one of her attendants, those visual horror shows that looked like enormous insects and would kill you for coming too close to their charge…Campana was confused as to why this woman wasn’t in a Chamber.

In Chapter 13 of Mindframe, we return to Captain Claire Campana and her mission to take charge of the The Eleanor Gray, meet the Alpha, and hunt for a Deviant messenger. In this chapter, Campana finds herself being interviewed by another Captain, and the questions revolve around her relationship with a leading member of WorldGov as well as a Framer who is able to frame without being in a chamber. What exactly does all of that mean? You’ll have to listen to find out!